広大でなだらかな起伏を持つ森の中に、全長4641mの小径でつながれた散歩道があります。樹林は、自然の姿が残されれ、四季の草花風と鳥のさえずりを楽しむことができます。さらに、広大な芝生の広場や小さな子ども向けの遊具があり小さなお子様がいる家族などにたいへん人気があります。 広さ180m×180mの多目的グランドでは少年野球や少年サッカーの試合なども行われています(要予約)。展望台から見える景色は絶景で北側には四塚連峰、南側には宗像市街地や地ノ島が望めます。 また、近年桜の木が植えられたため、数年後にはお花見の人気スポットになるかもしれません。
The 49-hectare grounds of Fureai no Mori Park include forested walking paths and a lookout point with views of the Genkai Sea to the west of Kyushu. The east side of the park features an observatory known as Nozomi no Oka, which means “hill of hope.” From the observatory, visitors can view Okinoshima, a sacred island that has been worshipped since ancient times.
Nesting boxes placed in the park’s forest attract a variety of bird life. Common birds in the forest include bush warblers, Oriental greenfinches, black-backed wagtails, and white-eye tits. Night herons can sometimes be spotted around dusk near the park’s two ponds.
Around Oura Pond, the leaves of the gingko trees turn create a carpet of golden leaves in fall. During winter, fuyu ichigo (Rubus buergeri) vines produce red, raspberry-like fruit in the forest undergrowth. Camellias flower around Aihara Pond in winter, and spring brings blossoms to the Yoshino cherry trees, which are planted around the ponds and the sports grounds.
Other features in Fureai no Mori Park include a children’s playground, a skate park, and two sheltered pavilions.
(This English-language text was created by the Japan Tourism Agency.)